Recovery coaching

Besides physical injuries, an accident can also have a huge psychological impact. Sometimes this goes so far that you can no longer function well in daily life. Normal things you did not turn your hand to before can now demand a lot of energy. You can no longer see the wood for the trees. Do you recognise this? Then perhaps our recovery coach, Sabine Gigengack, can help you.

Recovery coaching

Recovery coaching can be used as part of the claims process for people who experience major obstacles in carrying out daily activities after an accident. It can also be useful for people who have fallen into a slump and find it difficult to get out of it on their own. A recovery coach can help someone regain control.

What such a trajectory looks like can be very different for each person. It depends on the problems experienced and the intended goal (finding new balance, guarding boundaries, discovering new hobbies that fit the new situation, etc.). For example, an adult has different problems and goals than a child or young adult.

Recovery coaching can help gain insight into current problems, creating space to tackle them step by step.

What can you expect from our recovery coach?

For example, our recovery coach can offer support in the area of education. This may be advisable if your child has suffered school or study delays due to the accident. She can then make a concrete plan of action in consultation with the educational institution and ensure that it is implemented.

The recovery coach can also provide practical assistance in providing evidence and documents to your lawyer. After all, being constantly busy with the personal injury case can also be stressful and confrontational. A recovery coach can relieve you of this burden.